Smart Transitions

Small industrial business owners frequently spend a big chunk of their professional lives building relationships, teaching a team, taking care of customers.

And then, as they consider an exit, it becomes very difficult to find an avenue where the business owner can reap hard-earned financial rewards AND the team in the business has long-term career paths AND the company's customers will be well cared-for in the future.

That's where we come in...

Process Excellence

Running well is the best transition.  Business owners searching for How To Sell My Business will frequently be discouraged by the process that brokers and others use to value a small business, the transaction fees that go into small business acquisitions, and sometimes give up on the process.

We think a better approach is to team up with a group that can help position the business for peak value - by creating exceptional process execution.

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Not For Everyone

We are not (a) business brokers, (b) leveraged buyout reps or (c) buyers fresh off some 30 day learning "program".

For business owners looking for a quick cash offer and exit, we're not the right partner.

We're looking for industrial business owners that want to transition their business over time, sanely, in a way that takes care of their team and their customers.

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World-Class Business Transitions

Partner with Varde MFG

Our approach is this:

  • Based on decades of experience in industrial businesses, give you a clear picture of current value, and a guaranteed buyout offer at that level
  • Put together a strategic gameplan for the next 3-5 years that covers a handoff of business control, a growth plan and a strong positioning for a high value buyout
  • Our return on investment comes by participating in a % of the increased business value, so in our approach, you're not paying consulting fees, management fees or other costs
  • We're happy to tailor the "day-to-day" of this approach to your desires ("I'd like to retire in 5 years", or "I'd like to only be working 10 hours a week")
Sell my business

Next Steps...

Again, our approach isn't for everyone.  But if you're looking to customize an exit where your team has a great future and your customers experience fantastic service, we should have a conversation...